Have you heard about the CoDA Big Book?

This book, "Co-Dependents Anonymous" (also called The CoDA Big Book) is the culmination of many years of work involving members of several Boards of Trustees and others in the Fellowship.

CoDA offers this book, not only as a practical guide, but as a symbol of our own collective journey. It represents a cross-section of our experiences, both joyous and painful, and it stands as a beacon to the codependent who still suffers.

There is hope for changed relationships with a Higher Power, ourselves, and others. We can move out our our current, perhaps lifelong pain and into a new way of living.

If you would like a copy of "Co-Dependents Anonymous" it may be ordered online at the CoDependents Anonymous website https://www.coda.org/estore or through the CoDA Service Board. Please contact codaomaha@hotmail.com for more information.

Need Meeting Literature/Readings?

Free downloads are available from coda.org here.

How to Get CoDA Approved Literature

CoDA Resource Publishing (CoRe) publishes CoDA Book (available from your local CoDA Literature representative). Also ask meeting GSRs as some meetings keep copies on hand.

If you would like to order CoDA literature from the Omaha CoDA service board, please email codaomaha@hotmail.com

Helpful Websites:

You can also view an order form from the CoDA World Web site.